01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027
Grant agreement ID: 101135435
Dr. Panayiotis Philimis
Cyprus Reserach and Innovation Center Ltd. (CyRIC), Cyprus
Bioaloom Ltd. (bioaloom), Cyprus
Univeristy of Ionannina (UOI), Greece
Aachener Institut für Nanotechnologie GmbH (AMO), Germany
MULTITEL Innovation Center, Germany
Servizo Galego de Saude (sergas), Spain
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France
Technische Universität Wien (TUW), Austria
aquamonitirx Ltd., Ireland
Deeplab, Greece
Alpes Lasers, Switzerland
Multi-modal, configurable optical lab-on-chip platform for low-cost multipurpose diagnostics & monitoring
Miniaturised, multifunctional sensors are essential for accessing diverse chemical and biochemical information, which currently necessitates centralised laboratories and analytical techniques. Easy-to-use, rapid point-of-need sensors have the potential to revolutionise fields such as disease management, robotics and early detection of environmental threats. Nanophotonic devices offer promise in overcoming the limitations of current analytical methods, but are associated with significant challenges. The EU-funded MultiLab project aims to address these challenges by developing a flexible multi-sensing platform for medical diagnostics and IoT-based environmental monitoring. The platform utilises plasmonic augmented arrayed waveguide grating sensing, mid-IR photothermal spectroscopy and graphite-based electro-chemiluminescence sensing for multi-target detection. It will enable the detection of harmful algae blooms in freshwater sources and facilitate the diagnosis of fever without an apparent source.